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Your Local
Massage Therapist


Meet Angelica,

a Certified Massage Therapist and Health Educator. A graduate of the 800 hour program from the National Holistic Institute in Sonoma County.

Angelica is better known as Therapeutic Touch, not only does the name suit her best it is also the name of her private practice located in the Sonoma Valley. Therapeutic Touch’s primary goal is to promote healthy muscle tissue through massage and body work. 

Angelica specializes in sports massage and therapeutic body work such as Myofascial release therapy. Specializing in relieving muscular tension and dysfunctions through advanced techniques. Currently certified as a class M1 trained to provide Graston Technique to indicated areas.  Angelica has worked alongside with the Cal-Fire Fire Resiliency Team providing therapeutic bodywork to help with muscular tension related to PTSD since 2020. Along side with providing sports massage and recovery to  Angelica has also been the Sonoma Stompers' sports massage therapist providing therapeutic techniques to help assist with recovery . Angelica is  a class M1 certified and trained to provide Graston Technique. 

At Therapeutic Touch, we understand the importance of self care and provide a therapeutic environment to enhance the experience for over all well-being. Providing therapeutic techniques to help ease muscular pain with a holistic approach is what we do best at. We have a variety of services to select from to assist in getting the body back to a balanced state. 

If you aren't to sure which type of massage/body work you need, please feel free to contact us! We look forward to seeing you!




By Appointment only

525 3rd Street West

 Sonoma 95476


Located in the heart of Sonoma

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